Look here what to take into consideration before arrival.
Adventuring at the Adventure Park does not require any specific skills or climbing experience, the activities are suitable for healthy people of all ability levels. Come on down and we’ll guide you forward and tell you how to use the equipment and move safely on the ropes course. Adventure Park Huikee is located in Yyteri, Pori, right by the Yyteri Beach Holiday Resort.
Consider the following prior to arrival:
- Bring weather-appropriate clothing – do not forget to bring gloves! We also sell climbing gloves (3 € per pair).
- Wear stout and flat shoes.
- Adventurers under the age of 10 can access the course only with an adult.
- Children aged 11–13 must be accompanied by an adult, but may access the course independently.
- The minimum age and height for children’s courses (green) are 6 years and 110 cm.
- The minimum height for intermediate courses (blue) is 130 cm and the minimum height for advanced courses (black) is 150 cm.
- The maximum weight limit for all courses is 120 kg.
- We do not recommend rope climbing adventures during pregnancy. Access to the ropes course is not allowed after four months of pregnancy.
- Access to the ropes course is strictly prohibited while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Note health restrictions* (find additional information below)
Instructions for adventurers
- Go to the toilet before putting on the climbing and safety gear.
- Empty your pockets and tie up long hair.
- Smoking is prohibited while wearing the Adventure Park’s equipment.
- Adventurers must complete a test course before adventuring independently.
- When moving in the ropes course, always make sure you are attached to a safety wire.
- Adventuring in the nature and trees may soil your clothes (resin) and cause scratches and bruises.
- Start from the easier courses and proceed to the more challenging courses once you are certain you are ready and capable.
- When moving in the course, only three (3) persons are allowed on the platforms at a time. Exercise elements can be accessed by one (1) person at a time.
- You can slide down the zip-line only after the person before you has moved away from the landing platform.
- When you are done adventuring, return your gear to the equipment return point.
The adventure park is for everyone from the age of five and upwards.
The tracks are built into the trees from one meter above the ground, all the way uup to 13 meters. All together is is nearly two km long. It is navigated through by climbing, using ziplines, and balancing between obstacles built between trees. The adventure course combines fun, challenges for everyone and is located in the middle of Yyteri's beautiful nature.
- 11 tracks
- 2km of combined track
- 115 different obstacles
- Up to 13 meters in hight
Level of difficulties
Different levels
- Easy, 1-5 courses (Green)
- At height 1,5-5 meters courses are designed to climbers from 110cm. Courses are applicable to beginners.
- Medium, 6-8 & 10-11 courses (Blue)
- At heigh 5-13 meters courses are designed to over 130cm tall people. Courses require more fysics and balance
- Hard, 9 course (Black)
- At heigh 8-13 meters course is designed over 150cm tall people. Hard course to advanced climbers.
Free fall
Free fall from 10 meters! Attach your harness to free fall device and make the jump
*Health restrictions...rope climbing is prohibited unless you can provide a permission from your doctor. If you are capable and you have your doctor’s permission to exercise, remember to discuss the matter with the Adventure Park staff before accessing the ropes course. We do not recommend rope climbing during pregnancy, and it is prohibited after four months of pregnancy.
If you have:
- epilepsy
- cardio-vascular disease
- balance disorder
- respiratory illness or disease
- back trouble
- undergone a surgery recently
Puiston seikkailuradat on rakennettu standardien SFS-EN 15567-1 ja -2 vaatimusten mukaan. TUV ja ERCA ovat suorittaneet riippumattoman Tyyppi-A-tarkastuksen. Puisto on tyyppihyväksytty ja saanut CE-merkinnän. Koko henkilökuntamme noudattaa ERCA:n (European Ropes Course Association) virallisen seikkailupuisto-ohjaajan ja -pelastajan koulutuksen oppeja toiminnassamme. Suoritamme vuosittain standardin mukaiset tarkastukset, kuten vuosi- ja puustotarkastuksen.
Asiakkaat käyttävät seikkailuradoilla kokovartalovaljaita ja vuorotellen lukkiutuvia sulkurenkaita. Pelisääntöjä noudattava asiakas on aina kytkettynä turvalinjaan, mikä takaa turvallisen ja elämyksellisen seikkailun.
Seikkailu luonnossa asettaa toiminnalle rajoitteita, joiden johdosta puisto voidaan joutua sulkemaan joko kokonaan tai osittain. Ostettuja lippuja ei vaihdeta eikä palauteta takaisin.
Ratojen sulkemisen perusteita ovat:
– Voimakas tuuli (10,8–13,8 m/s)
– Ukonilma